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    Just Traded and workshopped.

    Ready now for a new life.

    One of the most asked-for pinballs.

    Made by Williams in 1990. full multi-ball 4-player machine.

    The cabinet and playfield are in great condition.

    Theme: Happiness - Circus/Carnival

    Notable Features: Flippers (3), Pop bumpers (3), Manual plungers (2), Ramp (1), Standup targets (4), 3-bank standup targets (1), Cellar holes (3), Dual right inlanes, 2- or 3-ball Multiball. The ramp has a diverter that guides the ball either to the left inlane or the left outlane for a left plunger skill shot attempt. Upper loop has a "trapdoor" that opens briefly when an upper loop shot is made. A talking head opens mouth when clock reaches midnight. Then, the player must shoot a ball into the mouth to earn 1,000,000 points and start 'Midnight Multiball'.


    Come For A Test Play as this won't last long.


    We Include Free Delivery and Set-up

    Plus include 3 months Warranty


    For more information

    call Simon 08 8241 7370

    Amusement Worx

    287 Torrens Rd

    West Croydon SA

    Check out more pinballs on our website


    Interstate buyers are welcome but you pay the freight!


    Amusement Worx Keeping Pinball Alive in Sa For Over 20 Years !!

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