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Cruisn USA Arcade Driving Game
  • Cruisn USA Arcade Driving Game

    Cruis'n USA Arcade Driving Game

    This Classic Arcade Driving Game single-seat is now ready for a new home.
    The machine has been workshopped and is working as it should.
    The picture is clean and crisp.
    The gears work great but can be played in automatic.
    the game allows you to select easy medium and hard based on the chosen track.

    Players can choose from four vehicles to race in a variety of courses throughout the USA —based on real locations, their names are Golden Gate Park, US 101, LA Freeway, Arizona (easy mode); Beverly Hills, Death Valley, Iowa, Indiana, Appalachia (medium difficulty mode); San Francisco, Redwood Forest, Grand Canyon, Chicago, Washington, D.C. (expert mode). Various pre-race options included are the choice of automatic or manual transmission, various controller configurations, as well as background music selection options.

    Come for a test play
    Amusement Worx
    287 Torrens Rd
    West Croydon
    SA 5008

    We include if your local Free Delivery and setup.

    Plus 3 months warranty

    Intestate buyers are welcome but you pay the freight.

    Amusement Worx Keeping Arcade Games and Pinball Alive in SA For Over 25 Years

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